Template:Infobox education in country/doc

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The purpose of this template is to provide a quick at a glance demographics table on education pages for different countries.


Education in {{{country name}}}
[[File:{{{agency image}}}|frameless]]
{{{leader titles}}}{{{leader names}}}
National education budget ({{{budget year}}})
Per student{{{funding per student}}}
General details
Primary languages{{{primary languages}}}
System type{{{system type}}}
{{{established events}}}{{{established dates}}}
Literacy ({{{literacy year}}})
Total{{{literacy total}}}
Male{{{literacy men}}}
Female{{{literacy women}}}
Enrollment ({{{enrollment year}}})
Total{{{enroll total}}}
Primary{{{enroll primary}}}
Secondary{{{enroll secondary}}}
Post secondary{{{enroll post-secondary}}}
Attainment ({{{attainment year}}})
Secondary diploma{{{attain secondary}}}
Post-secondary diploma{{{attain post-secondary}}}

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Education in



  • country name - the name of the place in the article title
  • agency - the name of the educational oversight agency (i.e., Ministry of Education, etc.)
  • agency image - logo, seal, etc. of the oversight agency or other appropriate image, must use image wikimarkup (i.e., [[File:agencyimagename.png|120px]]
  • leader titles - titles of education agency directors (i.e., Minister of Education or Deputy Minister of Education)
  • leader names - names of the directors of the education agency
  • budget - budget for education, or education agency
  • funding per student - education spending per student
  • budget year - year of budget quoted
  • primary languages - what language(s) is/are schools taught in
  • system type - some countries have a federal (where provinces control education) or a nationalized system (obviously variations exist)
  • established events - establishment of educational system, any event important to the educational system
  • established dates - dates of events
  • literacy year - year of literacy estimate; formerly rank of literacy, currently unavailable on Wikipedia
  • literacy total - total population literacy rate
  • literacy men - total male population literacy rate
  • literacy women - total female population literacy rate
  • enroll total - total number of students enrolled
  • enroll primary - number of primary students enrolled
  • enroll secondary - number of secondary students enrolled
  • enroll post-secondary - number of students enrolled at the college or graduate levels (sometimes known as tertiary education)
  • enrollment date - Year of enrollment data.
  • attain secondary - percent of population who have graduated from secondary school (or high school)
  • attain post-secondary - percent of population who have graduated from post-secondary school (college, university, graduate, etc.)
  • attainment year - Year of attainment data.


Education in Scotland
Scottish Government
Cabinet SecretaryMike Russell MSP
National education budget (2007-08)
Budget£2,6 bn
Per student£3,855 (2004-2005)
General details
Primary languagesEnglish, Scots and Scottish Gaelic
System typeNational
Compulsory education1872
Literacy (2005 est)
Enrollment (2005)
Post secondary739,000#
‡: Expenditure on Pre-school, Primary and Secondary education only.
#: 2004, All further and higher education institutions includes overseas students.

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Education in Scotland
Scottish Government
Cabinet SecretaryMike Russell MSP
National education budget (2007-08)
Budget£2,6 bn
Per student£3,855 (2004-2005)
General details
Primary languagesEnglish, Scots and Scottish Gaelic
System typeNational
Compulsory education1872
Literacy (2005 est)
Enrollment (2005)
Post secondary739,000#
‡: Expenditure on Pre-school, Primary and Secondary education only.
#: 2004, All further and higher education institutions includes overseas students.


Tracking categories