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Kingdom of Candanadium
Königreich Kandanadium (Kanadiaans)
Flag of Candanadium
Coat of arms of Candanadium
Coat of arms
Motto: None official, traditionally:
The True North Strong and Free
The Maple Leaves Forever
Hoch Ahornlaub (Up the maple leaves)
Magnar hoch (Up the House of Magnar)
Long live the King
Magnar and the Isle (Kanadiaans: Magnar und die Insel, traditional battle cry)
Anthem: "The Maple Leaves Forever"
"Hoch Ahornlaub für immer" (Kanadiaans)
Royal anthem: "Wilhelmus von Magnare"
Location of Candanadium in Great Kaltachia with one province in the Orient
Location of Candanadium in Great Kaltachia with one province in the Orient
and largest city
New Konigstadt
Official languages
Recognised regional languages
Ethnic groups
86.3% Kaltach
- 39.3% Kanadiaans
- 34.5% Oseanian
- 4.5% Caskaans
- 4.2% Trefjalli
- 3.8% other Kaltach
6.3% Oriental
- 4.3% Akarean (including Hautsing)
- 2.0% other Oriental
7.4% Other
66.3% Church of Eostre in Candanadium
11.7% Oseanian Faith
6.4% Other Eostrist denominations
5.0% Church of Our Lady of Caskhomir
10.6% Other/Irreligious
GovernmentFederal parliamentary semi-constitutional monarchy
• Monarch
King Herman III von Magnar
Pieter von Juppertal
• Lord President of the Privy Council
The Duke of Eisenstaat
• Lord Speaker of Parliament
Gabriel Luther
• Lord High Justice
Brian Lexington
LegislatureFederal Crown Council of Candanadium
• Upper house
The King's Privy Council
• Lower house
Parliament of Candanadium
Established from the Confederation of the Realms of the Conqueror
• Wilhelmus von Magnare, the Conqueror lands in Candanadium
1107 CE
• Kanadiaans Conquest ends
1111 CE
• Kanadiaans and Oseanian Great Kingdoms take form
1187 CE
• Confederation of the Realms of the Conqueror formed
1257 CE
• The War of the Cask
1666 CE
• Kingdom of Candanadium established
November 11, 1783 CE
• Last polity (Caskhomir) admitted
June 25, 1965 CE
• 2014 census
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
KAT $6,600,907,000,000
• Per capita
KAT $54,033/1/23.8
CurrencyCandanadian thaler (KAT)
in Belkhomir: Belkhomirian ducat (BKD)
in Caskhomir: Caskhomirian rand (CSR)
Time zoneTrefjall Time (TET, TET+0)
Candanadium Central Time (CCT, TET+1)
Oseanian Time (OST, TET+2)
Candanadium Eastern Time (CET, TET+3)
Hautsing Time (HST, TET+8)
Driving sideright
left in Belkhomir and Caskhomir
Calling code+11
WC Country CodeCDM
Internet TLD.ka

Candanadium (Kanadiaans: Kandanadium), Officially the Kingdom of Candanadium (Kanadiaans: Königreich Kandanadium), is a Kingdom in Great Kaltachia with one province in the Orient. It is home to a population of around 122 million Candanadians, most of which are from Kanadiaans or Oseanian descent, though it is also home to ethnic minorities such as the Trefjalli and the Caskaans, as well as a large Akarean immigrant community. Candanadium is bordered on the north by the Sea of the Cape, on the south by Kreyermark and Alpenraum, on the east by Varskhomir and on the west by Trefjall. Candanadium also shares maritime borders with Hykko and Akarea through the province of Hautsing. Candanadium comprises of seven provinces (Candanadian Capital Region, Fischerstaat, the Westmark, Oseania, the Northern Cape, Eisenstaat, and Hautsing) and two Autonomous Regions (Belkhomir and Caskhomir). Candanadium, alongside its two autonomous regions, is a member of the Kaltach Union and a signatory to the Candanadian-Trefjalli Mutual Defence, Freedom of Movement, and Free Trade Agreement. Candanadium and its two autonomous regions are represented collectively in the World Congress as the Kingdom of Candanadium.

For most of Candanadium's history, what is currently modern-day Candanadium existed as several independent states. They include the Kingdom of Magnarstaat (Candanadian Capital Region and parts of Fischerstaat and Westland), the Kingdom of Fischerstaat (Fischerstaat), the Trefjalli Kingdom of the Westland and the Cape (Westmark and the Northern Cape), the Republic of Caskhomir (Caskhomir), the Kingdom of Oseania (Oseania), the Duchy of Eisenstaat (Eisenstaat), and the Kingdom of Belkhomir (Belkhomir). The Kingdom of Candanadium was created in 1783, as part of the Enlightenment in Great Kaltachia, when the kings of Magnarstaat and Fischerstaat joined their lands as a reaction to popular nationalist movements across the Confederation of the Realms of the Conqueror (Kanadiaans: Staatenbund der Reiche des Eroberers), a loose confederation of the states established after the Kanadiaans Conquest. Eventually, the remaining of the continent consented to join the newly created kingdom, with the exception of the Kingdom of Belkhomir and the Republic of Caskhomir, the homelands of the Belkhomirians and Caskhomirians. The formation of a unified Candanadium contributed to the emergence of the Kaltach Rebirth and a period of cultural, political, and economic ascendency for the Kaltach world. Belkhomir would join Candanadium following the Second Belkhomirian War of 1940, an ill-fated invasion attempt of eastern Oseania. The Republic of Caskhomir would later join the Kingdom as an Autonomous Region like Belkhomir in 1965 after a popular referendum.

Modern-day Candanadium has emerged as the indisputable leader of the Kaltach Union and is one of the most dominant economies in the west. Candanadium is also one of the most diverse nations in the world, with two main ethnic groups, several minority groups, and a large immigrant community.


The earliest records of the name "Candanadium" date back to the 9th Century, a Kanadiaans romanization of the local early Oseanian word for the region, Kantantium. Traditionally, "Candanadium" was spelled with a K, like it is in Kanadiaans. The exact meaning of the word has been lost in history. It has long been used as a general term to refer to the region, predating the actual confederation of Candanadium, and the Confederation of the Realms of the Conqueror in the Middle Ages was sometimes referred to as Candanadium.

The standard way to refer to a citizen of Candanadium is as a "Candanadian." The Kanadiaans demonym is "Kandanadier" for a male Candanadian and "Kandanadierin" for a female Candanadian, or "Kandanadisch" as a descriptor. Historically, the Kanadiaans demonyms have also been used alongside the Oseanian demonym, resulting in the archaic and poetic Oseanian demonym "Candanadish".


See also: Kings of Candanadium


The first people to settle what would become modern-day Candanadium would be the Trefjalli, who held all lands west of the River Tref. The only indigenous populations in Candanadium were the now-extinct Cape Natives and the Southern Cask Natives, with whom the Trefjalli had little to no contact with. The Trefjalli, however, would experience a cultural and religious schism, where part of the population believed that not all trees were sacred, as prescribed under the traditional Trefjalli religious doctrine, but only maple trees, ubiquitous to this part of Great Kaltachia. This schism led to the exile of part of the Trefjalli population to the "wild lands" east of the River Tref. These exiles, though heartbroken that they were separated from their homeland, went to work establishing themselves along the mighty Osean, limiting contact with their brethren. Over time, a distinct culture and language evolved, and thus the Oseanians were born, spreading from the River Tref to Belkhomir.

Sometime after the Oseanians’ exile, the Caskaans landed in what is now Port Cask. They would establish the port as a major trading hub in the region and created a small city-state around it, but would go on to explore the rest of Caskhomir in great caravans, in what is now known as the “Great Trek”. The Oseanians named the land south of the Osean Caskhomir for their inhabitants, and would trade with them regularly. Oseanian influences on Caskhomirian society and language would lead to the evolution of modern Caskaans from the more Kanadiaans-like Old Caskaans.

The Kanadiaans Conquest

For hundreds of years, the Trefjalli, Oseanians, Caskaans, and the natives coexisted, never really warming to each other but tolerating each other. This all changed however, in the 12th century, with the landing of King Wilhelmus of Magnare of the Kanadiaans. King Wilhelmus had set sail from the Isle of Kaltach after receiving an epiphany from the Lord of Flame, Eostre, who commanded him to go west in search of a continent that was both new and old, where he would find Kaltach brethren. Thus he set sail, accompanied by his three loyal sons, Gerald, Wilhelm, and Hans, and three hundred and thirty-three of his best Kanadiaans knights aboard three ships, three being Eostre’s holy number. Wilhelmus did find what he was looking for the day he landed on the shores of Belkhomir, to the amazement of the Oseanians who had settled there. They were amazed by the Kanadiaans’ martial prowess and advanced metalworking skills, but most importantly, by their seafaring skills. It was only natural, then that King Wilhelmus did not have to work hard to establish himself in Belkhomir, as the Oseanian tribes knew that they stood no chance against the newcomers.

Prince Gerald took the Oseanians’ welcome especially well, and begged his father to remain in Belkhomir, believing that they had already found the land promised to them by Eostre. His father, however, was not daunted by the Mirskai range and knew that more lay beyond the snow-capped mountains. King Wilhelmus allowed his eldest son to remain in Belkhomir as its lord, as to keep his heir out of harm’s way and to prepare him to rule over all of the continent, bringing with him his two youngest sons on the campaign as well as his loyal Oseanian warriors. Prince Gerald sent some of his knights back to the Isle of Kaltach and told them to bring more Kanadiaans warriors and settlers, now that they had established a presence on the new continent.

And so, King Wilhelmus marched west along the Osean, taking the same route the Oseanians had taken after their exile, only in the opposite direction. Most tribes along his way submitted to Kanadiaans rule and joined him on his epic quest, and those who resisted were put down. It was also during this march that Wilhelmus took the Oseanians’ sacred maple as his own symbol over the traditional eagle of the Kanadiaans, out of his newfound respect for the Oseanians. He adapted the maple for his own purposes, creating the crowned tri-maple, three being the number of Eostre and as thanks to the divine act that had brought him to this land.

After twenty years on the march, King Wilhelmus had reached the end of the Osean at the shores of Maple Bay. All of Oseania north of the River Osean were now under the Kanadiaans banner, along with the frozen lands he had called Eisenstaat. At long last, Wilhelmus of Magnare, King of the Kanadiaans and Oseanians, could rest, at the spot where the Osean met the sea. His sons, who had grown from mere boys to mighty warriors in their own right, mourned him, alongside all those that had followed him during his march. With the King dead, Prince Gerald back in Belkhomir was the next in line for the crown. However, the oldest knights who had followed the king from the Isle of Kaltach saw something in the younger Prince Wilhelm, something that they had seen in their king of old. They had seen him grow into a capable leader and an inspiring commander, and pledged him their swords and urged him to take up his father’s crown for himself, and not leave it for Prince Gerald, who had no experience leading men in the field. Urged by these knights and his younger brother Hans, Prince Wilhelm crowned himself King of the Kanadiaans and Oseanians, and declared that the site where his father had perished would become a new city, named Konigstadt in honour of his father, to serve as the capital for all the lands his father had conquered, which he named Magnarstaat.

Out of respect for the legacy of his father and his estranged brother, King Wilhelm changed his own name to “Magnar”, dropping the “e” from his father’s name, and also changed his given name to the Oseanian variant of William. However, the news of his brother’s coronation still infuriated Prince Gerald, who still believed himself to be the rightful heir. He knew that he could not simply march over the Mirskai with the army he had at his disposal, and that he did not command the full confidence of his people, but he could not let his brother’s perceived insult stand. Prince Gerald forfeited his family name as well, and declared himself King Gerald I von Belkhomir of the independent kingdom of Belkhomir. King William in the west accepted his brother’s actions and vowed never to return to Belkhomir in his lifetime, and began marching west along the coast of Maple Bay, establishing Fort Magnar in the process, then turned north and followed the River Hugeln west, until he reached the eastern banks of the River Tref, where the Oseanians had been forced across all those centuries past. The other side was still the land of the Trefjalli, who continued to shun the Oseanians. William’s Oseanian chieftains urged him to march across and attack, but instead, William offered to parley with them, asking them to join him in unifying all the lands of the west as one. Though he had some sympathizers within the Trefjalli, the answer he received was a resounding “no”. And so, with great reluctance, King William’s army marched over the Tref and marched south into the Trefjalli heartlands, pushing the Trefjalli forces all the way down to Lake Tref. Along the way, many Trefjalli who believed in King William’s cause joined him on his march, and were rewarded with rich lands in what King William dubbed the Westland.

It seemed that, at last, the conquest was complete. From east to west, this continent belonged to the Kanadiaans, and all knew of the power of the men bearing the crowned tri-maple.

Post-Conquest Era

The only area left unconquered was the Northern Cape, with its harsh conditions, many in King William’s army were reluctant to march that far north, so out of frustration, King William gathered fifty true knights and marched north along the River Tref. What they found was a sight beyond their wildest dreams.

The Akarean trading port of Leng’gangcheng had been established by Akarean explorers more than a century earlier, a slice of Akarea upon the soil of Great Kaltachia, filled with exotic tongues, people, foods, and spices, and wealthy beyond belief. Instead of gathering his forces to sack the city, King William sought an audience with the Akarean rulers of the city and forged a pact, in which the Kanadiaans and Oseanians could come and go as they pleased, using the city as a gateway to the far east. The Akareans also gave them valuable information about the conditions of the Cape and its people, and King William decided that it was not safe for his band to journey further. He went south again to Fischerfurt, gathered his lords, and discussed the prospect of peace.

Straight from the start, King William declared that it would not be possible for him to rule all of the lands he and his father had conquered as part of Magnarstaat. The country was too wide, too diverse for the people to accept a foreign king, and needed lords they knew and could trust. King William made the promise that one day, all these lands could be joined in a union, but only after the Kanadiaans have established themselves fully upon the continent.

The most fertile lands around Maple Bay formed Magnarstaat, including the city William had raised for his father, Konigstadt, and his military stronghold of Fort Magnar. The Northern Cape and the lands watered by the Hugeln and Fischer Stream were to be ruled by his right-hand man, a half-Oseanian half-Kanadiaans knight named Jacques of Fischerfurt as King of Fischerstaat. The lands surrounding Lake Tref went to a loyal Trefjalli family, to rule as the Kings of the Westland. The traditional lands of the Oseanians watered by the River Osean would be rules by a dual monarchy of one Oseanian King and one Kanadiaans King, and the frozen north of Eisenstaat went to another knight. King William declared that although they were now separate realms, the lands of the Kanadiaans and Oseanians would stay forever bound through brotherhood and friendship, and would be obliged to aid each other if needed. And so the Great Kingdoms were established.

Aside from the Great Kingdoms, however, were also two other realms. The Republic of Caskhomir was traditionally viewed as the second-weakest nation in the region, second only to the Kingdom of Belkhomir and not considered one of the Great Kingdoms, although it was the largest producer of food in the region. Its southern border is defined by the Southern Cask Mountains, with a great desert separating the fertile and rich north from the dry south. Caskhomir was the only republic on the continent, ruled by a Staatspresident elected from an assembly of landowners.

The Kingdom of Belkhomir was the proudest and richest, but smallest, of the Kanadiaans kingdoms, though not a Great Kingdom. Belkhomirians claimed descent from the legendary King Wilhelmus of Magnare, whose eldest son, Prince Gerald, would fall out with his father and found the House of Belkhomir, the traditional rulers of Belkhomir. Belkhomir held the ports in the east, but its kings grew fat and corrupt and its wealth would slowly be squandered over the ages.

All of the kingdoms of modern-day Candanadium were ruled in a feudal manner, with the king as the undisputed sole ruler of the nation, with local lords to advise him. Peasants and serfs had little, if any chance to rise high in feudal Candanadian society, being bound to the lands they worked. During the 17th and 18th centuries, however, reforms would be made in most of the feudal states that did not abandon the feudal system in name but granted serfs and peasants more rights, and took more power away from the monarch. Even in the Republic of Caskhomir, the average citizen had little say over matters of state, with a very top-down approach from the Staatspresident.

Hautsing was established shortly after the end of the Kanadiaans Conquest as a trading post in the far east, and was ruled by Magnarstaat, which meant that it, as part of Magnarstaat, became part of Candanadium after confederation.

The First Belkhomiran War

As Belkhomir's power diminished through the rule of power-hungry and corrupt kings, the Kings of Oseania saw an opportunity. The First Belkhomirian War broke out in the year of 1249, when the diarchic Kingdom of Oseania made an unsuccessful attempt to cross the Mirskai mountains and storm the Belkhomirian stronghold of Festung Nordfluss. Althought the defenders were initially overpowered, the Belkhomirians soon called upon the Republic of Caskhomir for aid.

The war formally ended in 1259, with Oseania withdrawing from Belkhomir. This would be the start of hundreds of years of hostilities between the rest of Candanadium and Belkhomir, which saw itself as the last bastion of pure Kanadiaans culture, the true successor of King Wilhelmus of Magnare, and Eostre's chosen land.

The Golden Age of Feudalism

From the end of the 13th century, the Kanadiaans feudal states were finally seen as a real power on the continent, alongside the Republic of Caskhomir, which had grown powerful from trade. From 1260 onwards until the 17th century, the feudal states lived in relative stability and harmony, with no conflicts except minor border clashes between kingdoms. Years of rich harvests and good weather would turn the focus of the Kanadiaans nobility to the pursuit of the arts and of science, with the establishment of the first Universität in Neuschlosshafen. Peasants thrived under the watchful gaze of benevolent lords and kings. Gold, jewels, silk, and other luxury goods came flowing in to the ports of Port Newcastle, Konigstadt, and Nordport.

Reforms came in many of the Great Kingdoms during this time, with local lords often holding councils with their subjects to determine what was right for the region. Serfs had more say in what they could do with their land and had the opportunity to travel in search of work or education should they desired it.

However, nobody could ignore the growing threat to the south. The Republic of Caskhomir was overthrown in a coup in 1602, with a certain Francois van die Berge being crowned Emperor Francois I of the Caskhomirian Empire. The Caskhomirian Empire immediately began building up arms along the traditional border between Oseania and Caskhomir, the River Osean, and would soon seal its borders with Oseania. The Golden Age of Feudalism would come to an end in 1654, with the ascension of a certain Caskhomirian Emperor, Herschel I.

The Caskhomiran War

In 1654 Emperor Herschel I came to the Caskhomirian throne, and although the Great Kings were nervous, the Emperor to the south remained in the back of their minds all the way up until 1697. Herschel had demanded the submission of the Kanadiaans feudal states, Oseania, and Belkhomir. The Caskhomirian demanded that the Great Kingdoms submit a portion of their harvests each year to Caskhomir, and the products of the mines of Fischerstaat and Eisenstaat. With the threat to the south looming as close as ever, the kings of the Great Kingdoms met in Harschburg to discuss what to do about the Caskhomirian menace. Surprising nobody, the Great Kingdoms sent back an equally threatening letter. It was said that upon reading the letter, Herschel burst into a rage and beheaded the Kanadiaans envoy himself. Tensions hit a peak when later the same year, the King of Oseania refused to recognize Herschel's Caskhomirian Empire, and allowed the deposed Staatspresident to establish a government-in-exile in Williamsburg.

Thus marked the beginning of the Caskhomirian War, also known in Candanadium as the War of the Cask. Heralds were sent to every corner of the feudal states, gathering levies and arming peasants. Even Belkhomir, the traditional enemy of the Kanadiaans, joined in upon reading Herschel's letter. Finally, after months of preparation, the joined forces of the feudal states, half the size of Herschel's army and not nearly as well trained, met on the banks of the River Osean, King Frederick II of Magnarstaat at their head.

February 13, 1697, was a date that would go on in history. The Kanadiaans army, with a thousand knights and almost double the amount of peasants, smashed Herschel's five thousand on the banks of the Osean. King Frederick's vanguard, with his mounted knights, rode down the lightly armoured Caskhomirian foot soldiers as King Dietrich V of Eisenstaat led his forces to ambush the Caskhomirian rear guard, and caught the Caskhomirian army in a pincer movement. As the two armies clashed blade against blade, King Frederick set it upon himself to find the Caskhomirian madman and terminate him once and for all. The two met on what was known as the Trident, where the rivers Mager, Osean, and Jupper met, duelling for two hours straight before King Frederick's dagger found itself lodged in the Emperor's skull. Seeing the Emperor slain, the Caskhomirians turned tail and ran. A thousand Kanadiaans fell on the Osean, but their deaths were repaid four times over. Eventually, the Caskhomirian Empire would be pushed further south, beyond the Cask Mountains, before Herschel II's abdication and the reinstatement of the Republic. By the end of 1697, the Great Kingdoms were the sole undisputed power of the continent, with the restored Republic down to less than a half of its former size. With the death of the van die Berge dynasty also came an end to the feudal era, and the start of the confederation.

The Founding of Candanadium

With the horrors of the Caskhomirian War still fresh in their minds, the Kanadiaans and Oseanian kings signed a five-way non-aggression pact in 1680, with the exception of Belkhomir. The Treaty of the Brimmhalle was the precursor to the Candanadian Constitution, and was the first step in the creation of the Kingdom of Candanadium. The Candanadian confederation movement had been around as early as the 15th century, but was never taken seriously politically. Suddenly, it seemed that King William of Magnar's dream of old of confederation of the kingdoms was a realistic and achievable goal.

More reforms were made by the Great Kingdoms following the fall of the Empire of Caskhomir, with the serf class being abolished in all but name. Citizens had the right to own property and to live their lives without influence from local lords, whose status had diminished significantly over the centuries, having little, if any, real privileges over the working class, who were now educated and skilled workers.

Soon, as the Great Kingdoms returned to the normalcy of day-to-day life, a realization was suddenly made. The Great Kingdoms had stood side by side, against a common enemy, for the first time in history, and they successfully repealed the invader and saved their fatherland of old. There began an increasingly vocal movement for confederation of the kingdoms, uniting the Great Kingdoms as was the dream of King William of Magnar.

In 1783, King Edward IV of Magnarstaat and King Mathias III of Fischerstaat met in Konigstadt to set up the Provisional Parliament of the Kingdom of Candanadium, agreeing to join their crowns in the creation of a single constitutional monarchy. No more would the kings of old rule over the nation, but a parliament of the people. Soon enough, the Great Kings all came together in Konigstadt and cast aside their crowns for the Candanadian crown. The Kingdom of Oseania was the last to arrive at the conference, and after three days of negotiations, the Kings of Oseania agreed to join the federation and put aside their crowns.

On November 11, 1783, the six kings signed the Charter of Federation, formally signing into existence the Kingdom of Candanadium. The newly appointed King of Candanadium was King Edward IV of Magnarstaat, now King Edward I von Magnar of Candanadium. The first general elections were held, with one Robert C. McKenzie being voted in by the Parliament as Chancellor of Candanadium. Under the unified constitutional crown, the Kingdom prospered.

Immediately after the founding of Candanadium, envoys were sent out to the distant land of Akarea, having initially made contact with Akarea through the trading port of Leng'gangcheng (Harschburg) and the Candanadian port in the east, Mutterhafen in Hautsing. Akarea would become one of the first nations to establish diplomatic relations with Candanadium, and remains a major Candanadian ally to this day.

Envoys were also sent to the west, where there was known to be land, as the Trefjalli had made contact in their earlier raids and established the settlement of Drulluhus. This would be the first contact between Candanadians and the nations of the west, eventually discovering the land of Edofasia, ruled by a group of disorganized tribesmen. Seeing an opportunity, Chancellor McKenzie ordered a voyage deep into the Edofasian heartland for resources such as gold and silver. Groups of Candanadian explorers and missionaries set sail for the west, stopping at Drulluhus to resupply. They established trading posts along the east coast of Edofasia, and later began pushing further inland.

Other Candanadian pioneers and missionaries went further north, and discovered the Empire of Novmir. Unlike the Edofasian tribes, Novmir had all the makings of a nation-state, and would be hard to colonize. Candanadian settlers would trade with the Novmirans for essentials, bringing the Novmirans the technology of Kaltachia. The Chancellor was not disappointed with his search, and the decision was made to seize Edofasia for Candanadium. Edofasia would become the Colony of Edofasia in 1798, with the passage of the Edofasia Act.

The Novmirans, ever expanding, eventually set their eyes on the Trefjalli settlement of Drulluhus on the east coast of Terra. Not wanting to lose a valuable port and trade hub, the Trefjalli and Candanadian governments both establish a permanent military presence in Drulluhus to deter a Novmiran invasion, which would eventually lead to the creation of a demilitarized zone between Drulluhus and Novmir proper.

The Great Migration

At the turn of the 19th century, migrants from the south and west poured across Candanadium's borders, seeking protection and stability. The Kanadiaans population was mortified at the thought of Trefjalli and Oseanians coming in to the nation. The delicate balance of races in the Kingdom was suddenly disrupted and changed, as the Kanadiaans were no longer the majority of the population. Mortified, Kanadiaans citizens took to the streets in protest. They were protesting an end to the monarchy, which they felt was giving way too much power to the newcomers, and threatened to declare independence as a republic should their demands be ignored. This was the first spark in the Candanadian Civil War.

The Civil War Era

In 1862, King Edward III von Magnar was found dead in his bed at the age of 43, with a letter opener stuck in his throat. The current Chancellor, Wilhelm Schmidt is found guilty of the crime, having been seen sneaking into the royal residence in the dead of night. The Kanadiaans community is in uproar, claiming that the Chancellor is being used as a scapegoat in order to remove Kanadiaans from government positions, however, the Oseanian community sees this as an insult and an attack on the monarchy. Street warfare breaks out, and thus begins the Candanadian Civil War. The Candanadium Defence Forces initially side with the crown and the settler Candanadians, however, desertion rates would soon skyrocket. The main belligerents in this conflict are the Candanadian Crown (primarily Oseanians), and the Candanadian Government (Kanadiaans). They become known as the Royals and the Republicans, respectively. The King's sickly son, now King William I von Magnar, was crowned in Konigstadt in late 1862. Ironically, the royal family were Kanadiaans themselves.

On the morning of March 7th, 1863, the Konigstadt Ammunition Deposit caught fire. This fire would soon turn into the Great Fire of Konigstadt, resulting in the deaths of the boy King, the Chancellor, and most of the court. Just as the fires died out, the Republicans appeared at the edge of the city, prompting a retreat to Fort Magnar with the sole surviving member of the royal family, the King's uncle, Prince Hans von Magnar. Fort Magnar is soon renamed New Konigstadt by royal decree, and by the end of 1863, the Royals were once again marching on Konigstadt with an eastern army. In January of 1864, the Republicans were trapped in the city of Nordport-by-Ice as they made their last stand. After two years of brutal warfare and the deaths of two kings, Candanadium was finally united again, though the scars run deep to this day.

Although Konigstadt was rebuilt after the war, the capital stayed in Fort Magnar, now renamed New Konigstadt. Konigstadt is renamed Old Konigstadt after the Civil War, and absorbed into the province of Fischerstaat. In 1891, disaster struck again as King Hans I perished after suffering a heart attack in the swimming pool. This marks the start of the reign of King William II von Magnar, father of King William III. In 1898, Candanadian explorers successfully reach the North Pole, and the northernmost human settlement in the world is established, CFS Alert, a Candanadian Forces Station in the High Arctic. King William II would pass in 1910, at the ripe old age of 75, starting the reign of King William III von Magnar.

Only five years after the end of the Civil War, another conflict would break out, this time across the ocean. The War of Resistance in Walküre, as it is known in Candanadium, traced its origin to a Candanadian pioneer party in Edofasia, sponsored by the Eisenstaat Excavation and Refinery Company, heading too far south and settling in the Sudardesian region of Walküre. There was no opposition to the move by Sudardesian authorities at first, as the region had long been underdeveloped and underpopulated. However, the EERC was mining on Sudardesian crown land, which was strictly illegal. Over fifteen thousand tons of raw ores and coal along with five thousand tons of refined metals were confiscated by the Sudardesian Rangers in 1879, and land belonging to the EERC and various Candanadian homesteaders was seized. The EERC demanded some four billion Sudardesian nuggets in gold in compensation for the seized materials and the settlers in Walküre called upon the colonial government in Thüle for aid, which in turn called upon New Konigstadt. The homeland, however, was in the midst of rebuilding after the Civil War and could not spare any forces to send to Sudardes. Doing what it could, the colonial authorities recalled all the Edofasian Rifles out west and deployed them down south to the Duchy of Walküre, laying formal claim to it as Candanadian territory. The Royal Edofasian Constabulary was also sent from their patrol duties in the west to Walküre, where it would bolster the Rifles as well as local Candanadian militias, the start of the War of Resistance.

The combined forces of the Rifles and the Constabulary was able to equal the Sudardesian forces in combat, and by 1881 a stalemate was reached. The EERC was paid its four billion nuggets in gold and left the region, but took its workers and the remaining settlers with it. The remaining land would be appropriated by the Sudardesian government, and from then on, the southern border of Edofasia was set.

In 1903, the Candanadian government ratified the Candanadian-Trefjalli Freedom of Movement and Free Trade Agreement, which gave Trefjalli and Candanadians the right to work, travel, and trade freely across national borders with little to no restrictions. Candanadium gained strategic ports in the west, allowing easier trade with the colony in the west and another ice-free port in Hofn. The two economies would grow to become increasingly interdependent over the ages.

The Jokullheime Raids

Following the Civil War, the Jokullheime saw an opportunity. The homelands of Jokullheim were little more than frozen wastes, and the chieftains of the Jokullheime had long set their sights upon the fertile and watered Kanadiaans and Oseanian lands in the west. Having expanded their holdings through various raids, the Oberjall of Jokullheim, Aljax the Brave, decided it was time to take on the west. He had anticipated support from the Trefjalli of the Westland and Cape as well as the Trefjalli in the homeland, but found none. Instead, Trefjalli of both Candanadium and Trefjall all enlisted in the Security Forces to defend the west from Aljax's raiders, with King Hans I von Magnar taking personal charge of the defence of the eastern coast. They established what is now called the "Line of Steel", stretching from Nordport-by-Ice in the north and Port Cask in the south, with the Caskhomirian State Forces also joining in the defence of Great Kaltachia.

King Hans had expected a large landing by the Jokullheime on September 3rd, 1864, but instead found only one longship upon the shores of Port Newcastle. It bore the Oberjall's personal banner, with the infamous Jokullheime raider decked out in the white leather of Jokullheim on the deck, brandishing his feared double-headed axe. King Hans, guarded by the King's Own Fort Trefton Hussars, ordered his men to hold their fire as the raider hailed the king in High Kaltach, challenging him to a duel for the lands of the west, in the traditional Kaltach fashion. The king's advisors were offended by this gesture. After all, how could a raider dare to cite the ancient Kaltach rites to the King of the Kanadiaans and Oseanians? However, the king insisted on rising to the challenge, ordered the hussars to stand down, called for his armour and ancestral Zweihänder, and met Aljax in single combat on the shores of Port Newcastle. Before the king made his charge, he threw down his dagger and declared that Aljax would not cross any further into Great Kaltachia. The raider, amused, only lowered his visor and readied his axe.

It is said that when King Hans' sword clashed with Aljax's axe, a terrible clanging was heard all across the city. The raider was twice the size of the king and his axe was a white blur, and it had seemed that he had gained the upper hand, knocking off the king's helmet with the flat of his blade. All of a sudden, however, the raider's axe was motionless in his hand, and his white leather armour was stained with red. King Hans had decapitated Aljax with one fell swoop from his two-handed greatsword, and his axe fell to the ground, where it was collected by the king. The raider's head and helmet were sent back to Jokullheim by one of the king's hussars as a message, and the axe and armour went into the archives of the Royal Candanadian Museum, where they remain today.

Leaderless and bound by ancient Kaltach custom, the Jokullheime chieftains struck their banners and headed for home, dishonoured and disgraced. No more would the men of the high north challenge the west. Once more, Candanadium had prevailed.

The First Edofasian Crisis

Edofasia, the crown colony in the west, was a major source of precious minerals and wood products for the kingdom, and was one of the main sources of revenue to the west. Edofasia was affectionately described as the Crown Jewel of Candanadium, for the riches the land bore. Despite the massive economic boom in the colony, discontent with Candanadium was always present, due to the suppression of indigenous cultures and languages. As more and more Candanadian settlers arrived from the homeland, tensions between the Candanadian authorities and the Edofasians were at an all-time high. The west of Edofasia remained a wild country, never really falling under the firm control of the Crown, prone to attacks from guerilla bands and self-proclaimed local governments. In the early 1900s, the guerilla groups in the west had become more than an occasional headache for Candanadium and exploded into an all-out migraine. Attacks on Candanadian settlements became increasingly common and organized, prompting many settlers to flee to neutral Alayka or back east.

The Candanadium Security Forces were deployed to western Edofasia to combat the growing insurrection, but fared poorly against the Edofasian rebels, being unfamiliar with the land and people. In 1916 the Candanadian forces would change their strategy. Instead of engaging the guerilla forces head-on, they would fall back and form a Line of Control separating west from east, with the east continuing to be the Colony of Edofasia, and the west being the newly independent Confederacy of Edofasia, though unrecognized by the Crown. The Candanadian government, attempting to address the racial tensions between the colonists and the natives, grant the colony self-governing status, becoming the Dominion of Edofasia, giving all landowners the vote in a Crown Advisory Assembly and a local Governor. The Crown Advisory Assembly was incredibly uneven in terms of racial distribution, as most landowners in Edofasia were Candanadian settler families, as the concept of land ownership was completely foreign to the Edofasians, having never been a part of their culture. Despite this, the Crown Advisory Assembly governed Edofasia with a far lighter hand than the federal government in New Konigstadt, with a sizable portion of the Candanadian settlers holding the Edofasians to high regard and installing policies that were beneficial to both races.

Edofasia was now a nation divided, but it seemed that a fragile peace had finally formed.

The Candanadian and Trefjalli forces deployed to Drulluhus to deter a Novmiran invasion were suddenly called away during the First Crisis to fight in the west, leaving behind only a token garrison of the native Drullu militia and a pair of Candanadian reserve divisions. Drulluhus was easy pickings for Novmir, who occupied the nation in 1915. The Novmiran victory would be short-lived, however, as after the Line of Control was formed in 1916, stopping the Edofasian advance, Candanadium was able to withdraw troops from the war in the west to launch an invasion of occupied Drulluhus, reestablishing the original frontier and demilitarized zone between Drulluhus and Novmir. This was only the beginning of Candanadium's conflicts with Novmir, as the Candanadian settlers in the Edofasian controlled west had formed a large migrant caravan to the Novmiran exclave of Alayka, seeking refuge. The Alaykan authorities welcomed them with open arms, much to the Novmiran crown's dismay. Many of these Candanadian settlers would go on to fight for Alayka in its secession from Novmir, which eventually led to the collapse of the Novmiran Empire.

The 20th Century

In 1937, Andrey Schultz of the True Northern Front was elected Chancellor on the promise of executing an invasion of Belkhomir, which was backed by rebels in the country. Staying true to his word, the Candanadium Security Forces marched over the Mirskai on the first day of 1940. The royal family of Belkhomir, save for Princess Sabine von Belkhomir, were executed by Belkhomirian rebels, while the government fired upon Neuschlosshafen with twenty-nine salvos of artillery, kicking the Second Belkhomirian War, which saw the complete defeat of Belkhomir and their integration into the Kingdom of Candanadium as an autonomous principality, being promised self-governance and autonomy, as well as the preservation of their own monarchy, albeit under a different house and only a princely house. This, however, did not placate everybody in Belkhomir, and a small terrorist group known as the Belkhomir Liberation Army would be formed, which would continue to carry out sporadic attacks in the region in the years to come.

In 1941, Candanadium made headlines as King William III announced his abdication, the first Candanadian king to do so. What was more shocking was the revelation that the Crown Prince, Henry von Magnar, had been grooming his younger brother, Prince Herman von Magnar, to replace their father as king, and Prince Henry’s intention to renounce all claims to the Maple Throne, instead choosing to serve in the House of Commons, which he would be unable to do as King. Prince Herman, now King Herman II’s rule was prosperous, with an emphasis on foreign relations and trade.

In 1944, Chancellor Schultz, nearing the end of his second term, took steps to ensure the dominance of his party in Federal politics. The True Northern Front began ensuring that no party would rise to challenge their position, dissolving many significant opposition parties for supposed abuse of power and corruption. It was also during this period that the informal policy of Kanadiaans supremacy was put into place, with funding for services in Oseanian and Trefjalli being cut significantly and Kanadiaans replacing Oseanian as the language of instruction in many schools. Certain city names were also changed to be more Kanadiaans, including many places in Oseania. Opposition to the True Northern Front was suppressed brutally, and voting was made compulsory. However, during election time, the only candidate up for election in most ridings would be one from the TNF.

The True Northern Front also went to work in weaponizing the monarchy, declaring any activities against the TNF to be an act of treason against the Crown. Schools taught children to obey the authority of King and Chancellor at all costs, attempting to raise a new, complacent, and obedient generation that would accept the TNF unconditionally. Songs in opposition to the TNF, especially Die Gedanken sind frei (The Thoughts are Free), were heavily suppressed, as well as any other form of media that overtly opposed the TNF state.

The Tara Insurgency

Main article: Tara Insurgencies Following the invasion of Belkhomir and the TNF's consolidation of power, the government in West Edofasia began ramping up their insurgent operations in the Dominion of Edofasia as an act of protest. Though the Edofasian National Army had become more than just a rag-tag militia, it was still not up to par with the Candanadian Security Forces and any attempt to meet the CSF in conventional combat would have resulted in failure, so the ENA set up a number of bases in Stateless Territory to the north of East Edofasia, as well as in Sudardes. The Edofasian Rifles, bolstered by regular CSF troops, would conduct raids upon these camps, but at great cost to the Edofasian Rifles, who had twice the casualty rates as the regular forces due to lower standards of training and equipment. The Edofasian Rifles drew conscripts only from the Candanadian settler population, which had never exceeded 10% of the East Edofasian population, which meant that practically every able-bodied Candanadian man in East Edofasia had served with the Rifles at some point and could be called up at any moment.

The Incorporation of Caskhomir

The 1960s would be an incredibly bloody time for Candanadium, with huge, sweeping political changes taking place at home and across the ocean. It is often called "the bloody 60s" due to the instability and chaos of the era.

In 1960, the government of Caskhomir declared bankruptcy as order quickly broke down in the streets. The people were calling for an end to the rule of the Staatspresident and Congress, who had squandered the nation's wealth, and also rejected a bill to extend the vote to every citizen of Caskhomir, not just landowners.

This caused mass outrage in Caskhomir, with even the Sisters of Our Lady coming out to denounce the republican government. With public support at an all time low, Staatspresident Willem de Klerk turned to the Chancellor of Candanadium for aid, but found none. In 1963 the Staatspresident would be removed from power after a coup by the armed forces, who swiftly entered into a customs union with the Kingdom of Candanadium. The new regime also promised to hold a referendum to join Candanadium, and after an overwhelming 78% voted in favour, the Caskhomir Autonomous Region was established in 1965.

The Second Edofasian Crisis

See also: East Edofasia, Second Edofasian Crisis

A sign often found in the Dominion of Edofasia. It reads: "By order of the Government of the Dominion of Edofasia; This area is for the use of Kaltach Only; In accordance with the Race Relations Act of 1923" November 11, 1966 was intended to be like any other Candanadium Day. It was the 183rd year of confederation, and the anniversary of Caskhomir joining Candanadium. At midday, as the King appeared in Confederation Plaza in front of the buildings of the Federal Crown Council, a car broke through the police barricades and rammed into the east block of the Council Buildings, exploding on impact. Twenty-six bystanders were killed by the blast, alongside six New Konigstadt police constables. A terrorist group in the Dominion of Edofasia called the Edofasian Unity Front claimed responsibility for the attack, initially targeted at the king. Outraged, the Candanadian government declares martial law in Eastern Edofasia and deployed the Candanadian Security Forces to the region, to the protest of both the local Candanadian population and the Edofasians.

This move resulted in a boom in insurgent activity in East Edofasia, with many Edofasians and even some Candanadian settlers taking part. The local Edofasian Rifles would experience high rates of desertion as more and more ethnic Edofasians turned their cloaks to fight for the Confederacy. Some of them were allegedly funded by West Edofasia, a claim that the Edofasian government does not deny nor confirm to this day.

Candanadian soldiers and marines on patrol in the East were often subject to harassment by guerillas and snipers, and the Security Forces found it difficult to root out such an elusive enemy, especially in a land foreign to them. The settler community had long relied on the local Edofasian Rifles for protection, but with the Rifles' Edofasian servicemembers gone, the gated communities of the Candanadian settlers were no longer safe from the Edofasian majority. After various racial clashes were put down violently by the Security Forces, West Edofasia declared war and marched over the Line of Control, a move that caught both New Konigstadt and Thüle off guard. Confident in the Candanadium Security Forces' numerical and perceived technological advantage, the generals in command of the defence of the Dominion pressed the forces hard. However, the Security Forces lacked the knowledge of the local area and the support of the people. When they were not engaging the West Edofasian forces head-on, they were subject to harassment from guerilla groups, prompting the Candanadian forces to retreat deeper and deeper.

By November of 1967 the West Edofasians forces as well as various militia groups were on the outskirts of the Dominion's capital of Thüle, only lightly garrisoned by the Candanadian Foreign Legion, the 92nd King's Oseanian Rifles, the Royal Caskhomir Regiment, the Royal Belkhomir Regiment, and the remnants of the Edofasian Rifles. The Candanadian government was sure that Thüle would not fall, due to the Security Forces' superiority in close-quarters combat. The assumption proved to be true, with the Edofasian invading forces finding themselves trapped in the narrow alleyways of the city, slaughtered by snipers and machine-gun nests on the roofs of buildings. The Battle of Thüle is considered by some to be the best and most effective last stand ever made, and the finest hour of the Candanadian Foreign Legion. The Edofasians were never going to take the city by force, and thus, requested a parley. The Dominion's government was ready to end the war, but needed the approval of New Konigstadt, still under the rule of the aggressive and authoritarian True Northern Front. Initially the request was rejected by the federal government, but the war had never been popular at home, and with pressure from both the people and the Dominion's government, the federal government caved. Thus, the West Edofasian government was invited to New Konigstadt to discuss an end to the war and the handover of East Edofasia while a ceasefire was observed on the ground.

The peace talks got off to a rocky start, with the two sides disagreeing about the future of the Edofasian Air Corps and the Edofasian Coast Guard. Unlike the Edofasian Rifles, these two forces were mainly made up of Candanadian settlers and servicemen from the homeland, but the assets had, in name, been on loan to the Government of the Dominion. Edofasia, claiming its rights as the successor state to the Dominion, demanded that a majority of the assets be handed over to the Confederacy, while the federal government argued that they had only been on loan to the Dominion and that they actually belonged to the Candanadium Security Forces. The Edofasians offered to let the federal government keep a token amount of ships and aircraft, but when the federal government refused, the Edofasians threatened to seize or destroy these assets as enemy property, almost putting an end to the ceasefire and peace talks. The TNF administration knew that if the war did not come to an end, their position would be seriously jeopardized as the war was one of the most unpopular things in a century, and the people would not sit idly by and watch their sons be sent to die over the sea. Thus, the talks went on, reluctantly.

The Magnarplatz Palace Agreement was signed on December 16, 1967, with the handover of the Dominion of Edofasia scheduled to take place at midnight on New Year's Day. The Candanadian settlers were to have equal rights to Edofasians proceeding the handover, and any settlers that wanted to return to the homeland was permitted to do so without hindrance. Gone, however, were the ubiquitous "Kaltach Only" signs from public buildings and park benches, and the segregationist racial policies of the Dominion. Candanadium and Edofasia were to resume regular diplomatic relations, with Candanadium opening an embassy in Scarlao and Edofasia one in New Konigstadt. As the green ensign was lowered to the tune of The Maple Leaves Forever for the last time, Edofasia was finally a nation united.

This did not mean, however, that the divisions of colonialism were gone. Within the first year of the opening of the Candanadian Embassy in Scarlao, it was forced to relocate to Thüle, under the name of "Candanadian Cultural Institute in Thüle", tucked away behind the high walls of the Kanadiaans quarter, safe from Molotov cocktails, graffiti, and car bombs. Edofasians of Candanadian descent, although legally enjoying the same rights as all other Edofasians, are shunned in Edofasian society.

Candanadium's presence in Edofasia was over, but the troubles in Candanadium had just begun. With the end of the Second Crisis came an age of national reflection and reform in Candanadium. The aggressive expansionist and segregationist policies of the True Northern Front administration had proved disastrous in Edofasia and at home as well. There was an unspoken superiority granted to the Kanadiaans over the other races of the federation, and although the right to protest was granted in name to every Candanadian under the Constitution of 1783, in practice protests against the True Northern Front were put down, often violently, and opposition party members often found themselves harassed by police and even organized crime syndicates.

The Modern Era

The end of the Second Crisis was also an end to the True Northern Front's 24-year dominance over Candanadian politics. Facing immense public and international pressure, the last TNF Chancellor, Bernhardt Schuhmacher, resigned two days after the handover of West Edofasia, with free and open elections being held for the first time in two decades.

Truth, peace, and reconciliation was the new motto of the administration of Chancellor Friedrich von Klark of the Democratic Party, who had won the election with a landslide victory and aimed to repair the cracks and fissures that had formed over this fragile federation of races over the years. The True Northern Front broke up in 1969, replaced by the successor party of True North First, which never became nearly as powerful as its predecessor. Voting was no longer mandatory and new political parties sprang up, including the Constitution and Conservative Parties.

Trefjall had sent a large contingent of its diminutive armed forces to fight in Edofasia during the Second Crisis, suffering heavy losses. The move was seen as highly controversial back home, and many in Trefjall began to question the necessity of a standing Trefjalli armed force, as Trefjall's largest neighbour was also its greatest ally. After the fall of the True Northern Front, the Government of Trefjall approached Chancellor von Klark's government to expand the freedom of movement and free trade treaty of 1903 to include mutual defence. Trefjall would disband its remaining armed forces, except for the ceremonial royal guard, and the Candanadium Defence Forces would be in charge of the defence of Trefjall, with Trefjall paying for the building of bases.

Funding for Oseanian, Trefjalli, and Caskaans services was returned, and bilingualism was promoted nationwide. The "Speak Two Languages" campaign was started in 1970, with many schools becoming officially bilingual in instruction, leading to many Candanadian citizens of the present day being bilingual. In the same year, the Kaltach Union was formed in Schwannburg, a new political and economic union open to any democratic Kaltach nation to promote peace, human rights, and trade between all Kaltach nations, the first major sign that Candanadium was shifting its priorities. The KU, however, was also set up to counter the military power of Terra, as it featured a mutual defence clause. King Herman II passed in the same year at the age of 80, being succeeded by his son, King William IV von Magnar, rumoured to be the bastard child of the late king’s brother and the Queen. The new King later disproved this by releasing his DNA test results in 1990, an unexpected move. Tragedy struck the royal family again in 1998, with the King and the Crown Prince perishing in a brutal helicopter crash in the Bekal Bay after their helicopter took off from Belkberg-by-Mirskai.

The accident was claimed to be the work of the long-dormant Belkhomirian Liberation Army, a terrorist organization in Belkhomir seeking independence for the territory. Others blamed it on the Edofasians, and some even blamed the second son of the King, now King Richard I von Magnar, or "Richard the Unlikely", as a means to seize Magnarplatz Palace for himself. The official investigation found that poor maintenance of the helicopter was to blame, but the case remains unresolved to this day. This triggered a minor diplomatic crisis with Edofasia and rumours that Edofasia would be retaken, but these rumours were dispelled by the government. Richard would later abdicate following the publication of the Luxlein Papers, revealing a connection between Richard and the Count of Lienengen.

Modern-day Candanadium is heavily industrialized in the north, producing and refining oil as well as many rare-earth minerals. Candanadium leads the world in information technology as well as many other services, and is a significant power economically, culturally, and politically across the world, with a large naval force and vast swaths of natural wealth. Candanadian multinational corporations can be found across the world, with Akarea and Novmir being major manufacturing hubs for Candanadian products.

The Candanadian thaler is one of the most stable and strongest currencies in the world and is a major world reserve currency. Living standards in the nation are among some of the highest in the world, though with a wealth gap that is relatively high when compared to nations such as Trefjall and Edofasia.

Some of Candanadium's most significant strategic and economic allies include the fellow Kaltach Union members of Akarea and Trefjall, as well as allies such as Drulluhus, Welka, and Alayka. Candanadian universities are home to students from across the world, and there is a diverse immigrant culture in most major cities of Candanadium, making Candanadium one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse nations in the world. The political process is open, transparent, and free to all, with individual liberties held dear.


The Mirskai Mountains, Belkhomir

Port Newcastle, Oseania, in 1939

Old Konigstadt, Fischerstaat, in 1931

New Konigstadt, CCR, with Parliament Hill in the foreground. Candanadium consists of seven provinces and two ARs. The northern provinces, such as the Northern Cape and Eisenstaat, are mostly covered in permafrost and are tundra-like, an ET on the Köppen climate classification. The rest of Candanadium with the exception of Caskhomir and Westland are Dfc on the Köppen scale, and Caskhomir and Westland are the only parts of Candanadium ranked as Cfb on the Köppen scale. The Province of Hautsing shares a similar climate to Akarea.

Major rivers in Candanadium include the Hugeln, the Mager, the Jupper, and the Osean. Candanadium is mountainous in the north, east, and south, with the Peaks of the Cape, Oseanic Mountains, and Eisen Mountains covering the northern shore, the Mirskai separating Oseania from Belkhomir, and the Cask on the south of Caskhomir. Inland Candanadium is heavily forested, with plains in the provinces of Westland and Fischerstaat, the former often referred to as the "Breadbasket of Candanadium".

Summers in inland Candanadium can reach a maximum of 25°C. Up north in cities like Nordport, Polaris, and Thüleberg, summer weather is usually around 15°C, and in winter, temperatures can drop as low as -25°C inland and -30°C up north. In Belkhomir, Caskhomir, and the Westland, however, summers are usually a sweltering 35°C, with temperatures rarely dipping below 0°C in winter. Below is a table with all the provinces and Autonomous Regions of Candanadium and their respective capitals.

Province Provincial capital Candanadian Capital Region (CCR) New Konigstadt Westland Fort Trefton Fischerstaat Harschburg Oseania Williamsburg Eisenstaat Nordport-by-Ice Northern Cape Polaris Hautsing Mutterhafen Autonomous Region (AR) Regional capital Belkhomir Schwannburg Caskhomir Golding Map of Candanadium



Ethnicities: 46.3% Kanadiaans of which Litzisch and Welkisch are 1.4% 39.3% Oseanian 5.1% Belkhomirian & Caskaans 4.3% Akarean including Hautsing Akareans 3.2% Trefjalli 0.6% Other Among Kanadiaans: 87.2% of settler descent 11.1% of mixed Kanadiaans-Oseanian descent 1.9% overseas diaspora including Litzisch and Welkisch Lanugages in daily use: 73.4% Oseanian 21.3% Kanadiaans 5.3% Caskaans, Trefjalli, et al Religion:

80.3% Eostrism 11.7% Oseanian Faith 5.0% Faith of Our Lady of Caskhomir 3.0% Other/Irreligious

Map of population groups in Candanadium Pink: Trefjalli Brown: Kanadiaans Orange: Oseanians Green: Caskaans Areas with two colours are cohabited roughly equally

Nowadays, the two main ethnic groups in Candanadium are the Kanadiaans, descendants of the first Kanadiaans settlers in Candanadium, and the Oseanians, which are the remnants of the population of the Oseanic Empire, native to the continent. Of the some 97 million Candanadians, 46.3% are of Kanadiaans descent, by far the largest ethnic group, though not a majority. Of the Candanadian Kanadiaans population, 87.2% are of settler descent, 11.7% are of mixed race Oseanian/Kanadiaans descent, and 1.4% are of returning overseas diaspora. By Candanadian Census standards, if a citizen's grandparents were a combination of Oseanian and Kanadiaans, they are considered mixed-race Kanadiaans. If a citizen's Kanadiaans grandparents or parents grew up and were raised in a foreign country, including the ex-colony of Edofasia, they are considered overseas diaspora. Citizens who are Litzisch Kanadiaans and Welkisch Kanadiaans are also considered overseas diaspora, including immigrants to Candanadium.

The second largest ethnic group in Candanadium are Oseanians, which comprise of 39.3% of the population. All Candanadians who can trace their lineage back to aboriginal Oseanians are considered Oseanians if they do not meet the Kanadiaans criteria. Belkhomirian Oseanians are also considered Oseanian should they renounce residency in Belkhomir, otherwise, they will be classified as Belkhomirian.

The Belkhomirian/Caskaans and Trefjalli ethnic groups make up 5.1% and 3.2% of the population respectively. If a citizen is a third-generation or lower Candanadian, and their family ancestry can be traced to either AR or Trefjall, they are considered Belkan/Caskan or Trefjalli for census purposes. Naturalized citizens originally from the ARs are also considered Belkan or Caskan, and naturalized citizens originally from Trefjall are also considered Trefjalli. The Cape Trefjalli, descendants of the original reiðurstelamanni and the native peoples of the Cape, are also considered Trefjalli.

The Akarean ethnic group makes up 4.3% of the population of Candanadium, and is by far the largest immigrant group in the nation. If a citizen is ethnically Akarean, they will be considered Akarean for census purposes. Hautsing is the only Candanadian province with a majority Akarean population, with around 70% of the population being Akarean, given its proximity to Akarea. Cities with large Akarean populations include Mutterhafen, New Klettastrand, Neuhafen, Harschburg, New Konigstadt, and Port Newcastle. Any Candanadians who are otherwise not part of these ethnic groups are considered "Other" for official purposes.


The main languages in Candanadium are Oseanian and Kanadiaans, which are also the two official languages. In the most recent census, 92% of the population reported that they were fluent in Oseanian, 65% reported fluency in Kanadiaans, and 45% reported bilingualism. A study conducted by the Candanadian Census Bureau found that 73.4% of the population used Oseanian on a daily basis, and 21.3% used Kanadiaans on a daily basis, and 5.3% reported that they used some other language, mainly Caskaans and Trefjalli.

Akarean Mandarin is the dominant language in Hautsing, but the script used in Hautsing is the traditional script, as opposed to the more modern simplified script more commonly used in Akarea.


Candanadium does not have an official religion, however, the royal family adheres to Eostrism, as does 80.3% of the population, which refers to the worship of the fire god Eostre, of the Kanadiaans. Traditionally, the Kanadiaans worshipped other gods as well, but mythology dictates that after landing in Candanadium, Eostre appeared to King Wilhelmus of Magnare, the legendary first king of the Kanadiaans, in a flame, instructing him to go forth and tame this wild country for the Kanadiaans people. Three is a sacred number in Eostrism, supposedly due to the fact that Eostre was the third God to be created, and according to legend, three ships first brought the Kanadiaans to Candanadian shores. The traditional practice of human sacrifice has been outlawed in Candanadium, however, the Fall Festival is celebrated around the country and Eostrist Churches can be found everywhere.

The head of the Eostrist Church of the Lord of Flame is the First Flame, residing in the Palace of Eostre in Old Konigstadt. Priests and Priestesses of Flame lead churches in their respective parishes, and hold service on Sunday. A fire is always kept lit in the tower above an Eostrist Church. Believers of Eostrism are found predominantly in southern Oseania as well as throughout the Kanadiaans-speaking regions, including Belkhomir. Many Cape and Westland Trefjalli have also adopted the Eostrist faith for themselves. The holy text of the Eostrist faith is the Red Book, or the Book of Flame.

A significant portion of the population, 11.7%, follows the traditional Oseanian Faith, mostly rural and northern Oseanians. The Oseanian Faith does not have a name, but it is the worship of the nameless gods of water and stone and leaf. The maple leaf is a traditional symbol of the Oseanian faith, and when the Kanadiaans defeated the Oseanians in battle, they took it upon themselves to adopt their emblem, but changed it to a clustre of three maple leaves, representing Eostre.

There is no clergy nor house of worship in the Oseanian Faith. Instead, prayers are made beneath mountains, beside a body of water, or underneath a maple tree. Most significant processes, such as marriages, the swearing of oaths, and the signing of contracts must take place under a maple tree, for the gods to bear witness. As such, Oseanian politicians are sworn into office underneath a maple tree, not by placing their hand on a Book of Flame. Oseanian service members of the Candanadium Defence Forces may also choose to swear their oaths beneath a maple tree.

5.0% of the population follow the Faith of Our Lady of Caskhomir, mostly Caskhomirians and Caskhomirian diaspora in the rest of the country. Our Lady of Caskhomir is a mythological figure that is believed to be the guardian of Caskhomir, having led the Caskaans to Caskhomir from across the sea, before the Kanadiaans. Her real name is an extremely well guarded secret only revealed to the head of the faith, the Stewardess of Our Lady, upon the night of her confirmation. The clergy and monastical order, the Sisters of Our Lady, is only open to women. As a result of this, women have historically had more rights in Caskhomir than the rest of Candanadium.

It is believed that Our Lady of Caskhomir and Eostre were both gods of the ethnic group that eventually split into the Kanadiaans and Caskaans, and that they may have, at one point, been part of the same religion.

Temples of Our Lady are found throughout Caskhomir, and will feature an altar upon which offerings, usually food and drink, are placed, in perpetual gratitude for her stewardship and maintenance of Caskhomir. Families will visit the Temple every Friday evening after sunset to give their offerings. Offerings are cleared by the Sisters the following morning and fed to birds, as it is believed that birds are the messengers of Our Lady.

3.0% of the population follows another religion or are irreligious.

Largest Cities

Rank City Metro area population Province/Territory 1 New Konigstadt 3,830,932 Candanadian Capital Region (CCR) 2 Port Newcastle 3,121,831 Oseania 3 Old Konigstadt 2,723,274 Fischerstaat 4 Trefshire 2,232,263 Westland 5 Williamsburg 2,023,929 Oseania


Candanadium is a constitutional monarchy and a federal parliamentary democracy, with the monarch serving as an advisor to the government and a figurehead. The Federal Crown Council of Candanadium is the legislature of the Kingdom, and it is split into the lower house (Parliament) and the upper house (King's Privy Council), which is unique as it also serves as the cabinet. Members of Parliament, or MPs, are elected to represent ridings of around 150 000 inhabitants. Every four years, general elections are held, and the MPs will elect a Chancellor, who serves as the Head of Government and automatically receives a seat on the Privy Council. There are no term limits on any office in Candanadium, as it is believed to be undemocratic to disallow a capable individual to serve when the people have chosen them.

The Federal Crown Council

The legislature of Candanadium is the Federal Crown Council, with the Parliament being the lower house and the King's Privy Council the upper house. However, in an actual sense, the Parliament effectively serves as a unicameral legislature, as the King's Privy Council rarely convenes in full and its consent is not required for most bills. Even when Privy Council consent is required, it is usually given as a matter of convention. The Privy Council's main role is to serve as a consultative body, to which experts and prominent individuals in various fields and sectors of society are appointed, as they are then able to sit on Federal Crown Council Committees, to oversee and advise the drafting of legislation.

The Chancellor is, by convention, the individual that commands the confidence of Parliament. In practice, this means that the Chancellor is usually the leader of the largest party in Parliament. The Chancellor heads His Majesty's Government.

The confidence of MPs from Belkhomir and Caskhomir is not required for the Government, and MPs from Belkhomir and Caskhomir do not participate in confidence votes or money votes that do not affect their regions. Therefore, MPs from Belkhomir and Caskhomir occupy the crossbenches, on the other end of the Parliament chamber, opposite the speaker. Federal parties from Belkhomir and Caskhomir are usually affiliated with regional parties in their respective legislatures.

Composition of the current Parliament of Candanadium
His Majesty's Government Political Stance Colour Leader and Constituency Seats
Constitution Party of Candanadium (CoPC; Verfassungspartei Kandanadiums, VPK) Centre-right, classic liberalism, pro-KU Dark blue The Rt. Hon. Pieter von Juppertal PC MP, Juppertal West FST
198 / 532
Democratic Party of Candanadium (DPC; Demokratische Partei Kandanadiums, DPK) Big tent, pro-welfare, pro-KU Red The Hon. Fabian Norbert PC MP, Oldcastle Town OSN
102 / 532
His Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition Political Stance Colour Leader and Constituency Seats
Conservative Party of Candanadium (CnPC; Konservative Partei Kandanadiums, KPK) Eostrist Democracy, conservatism, KU-skeptical Light blue The Hon. Wesley Morrison PC MP, Oseania Park FST
132 / 532
Other Opposition Political Stance Colour Leader and Constituency Seats
Liberal-Green Party (LGP; Liberale-Grüne Partei, LGP) Centre-left, social democracy, environmentalism, soft republicanism, KU reform, emulation of Minsheng Light green Patricia Gerber MP, Western Docklands OSN
67 / 532
The Reform Party Centre-right, Oseanian localism and autonomy, pro-KU Dark green Janice Eckhart MP, Woodsworth-on-the-Beans OSN
20 / 532
True North First (TNF; Wahrer Norden Zuerst, WNZ) Right wing to far-right populism, absolute sovereigntism, anti-KU Cyan Ludwig Schultz MP, North Cape NTC
8 / 532
Socialist Party of Candanadium (SPC, Sozialistische Partei Kandanadiums, SPK) Far-left, socialism, anti-confederation, anti-monarchy, anti-KU Dark red Rolf Magnusson MP, Halenvale WSL
2 / 532
Kanadiaans Zuerst (Kanadiaans First, KZ) Far-right, Kanadiaans supremacism, fascism, imperialism, anti-KU, anti-CTMDFMFTA Dark teal Albrecht Löwe (non-MP)
1 / 532
Wow! Niche issues (subsidized budget travel, forestation of roundabouts, maximum width for bike lanes, public provision of the national flower) Orange Stefan Bober (non-MP)
1 / 532
Independent MPs N/A N/A N/A
1 / 532
Parties from Caskhomir Political Stance Colour Leader and Constituency Seats
Caskhomir Eenheidsfront — Ons vir Jou (CEF-OvJ; Caskhomir Unity Front — We for You) Pro-autonomy, centre-right Yellow Hendrik Kuiper MP, Hekkedorp
45 / 70
Caskhomirse Demokratiese Front (CaDF; Caskhomirian Democratic Front) Pro-integration, centre-left Orange-brown Maximilian Theron MP, Port Cask-Outer Harbour
29 / 70
Vryheidsfront (VF; Freedom Front) Pro-independence, right wing, Kaltach supremacy Teal Diedrik Hertzog MP, Freigrad West
6 / 70
Parties from Belkhomir Political Stance Colour Leader and Constituency Seats
Belkhomir Einheitsfront — Fürstenpartei (BEF-FP; Belkhomir Unity Front — Prince's Party) Pro-autonomy, centre-right Gold Franz Ritter von Lorelei MP, Geraldsthron
6 / 10
Volkspartei Belkhomirs — Freie Sozialdemokraten (VPB-FS; People's Party of Belkhomir — Free Social Democrats) Pro-autonomy, centre-left Red-brown Jakob Werner MP, Oseanmundhafen
3 / 10
Uns Selbst (US; We Ourselves) Pro-independence, left-wing, Belkhomirian militarism, anti-establishment, abstentionism Neon green Robert Sands MP, Belkhomir-Ländlich
1 / 10
(not taken)

The King is forbidden from voting in general elections as well as referendums, as outlined by the Candanadian constitution, however, other members of the Royal Family may vote.

Traditionally, Lords would hold life positions in the Parliament representing the riding which contains their estates, but that was abolished with the Parliamentary Reform Act, 1923, which also gave women the ability to run in general elections. The two main parties in Candanadium are the Constitution Party (CnPC) and the Conservative Party (CoPC). The incumbent Chancellor, Peter von Juppertal, is the Member for Juppertal West (CnPC).

Once a bill passes the lower house, it is sent to the upper house. Should the upper house ratify the bill, the King will sign it into law.

Supreme Court of Candanadium

The judiciary branch of the Candanadian government is led by the Lord High Justice, who is appointed by Parliament. The Lord High Justice is the head of the Supreme Court of Candanadium, which is also the Court of Final Appeals. All Candanadians have the right to appeal and to a jury of their peers.

The Chancellor of Candanadium and the Supreme Justice are styled as "The Right Honourable" for life. Privy Councillors are styled "The Honourable" for life. The Supreme Justice is also styled as "His/Her Honour" for the duration of their timer in office. Provincial prime ministers are styled as "The Honourable" for life, and mayors are styled as "His/Her Worship" for life.

Foreign Relations & Military

Candanadian soldiers on patrol in southern Caskhomir in 2016 Candanadium maintains an active diplomatic corps, with embassies and consulates-general across the world, even in nations that have been, historically, hostile to Candanadium. Candanadian foreign missions often also host cultural activities and other events to strengthen ties between the host country and Candanadium. Trefjall and Candanadium enjoy a special relationship due to the freedom of movement and trade between the two nations, as well as the Candanadium Defence Forces providing defence for the nation. Akarea and Candanadium are also strategic partners as well as major partners in trade, a friendship that has endured for almost 300 years. Akarea is a tourist hotspot for Candanadians on vacation, and there are large Akarean immigrant communities across Candanadium. Welka also falls under the Candanadian sphere of influence, due to the fact that it is a fellow Kanadiaans nation and also with Candanadium having played a major part in rebuilding the Welkisch economy after the fall of Communist rule.

Despite this, relations with Edofasia and Sudardes are tense at best and hostile at worst, due to the history of Candanadian colonialism in the region. Sonvarim has also been an enemy of Candanadium historically, though the nation's power and relevance has begun to diminish, and is now more reliant on Candanadium economically than in the past.

The Candanadium Defence Forces consist of four branches: the Candanadian Army, the Royal Candanadian Navy, the Royal Candanadian Air Force, and the Royal Candanadian Marine Corps. In addition to these four branches, there are also two independent regiments which do not belong to any of the forces but are still part of the joint command, which are the Royal Caskhomir Regiment and the Royal Belkhomir Regiment. These regiments have their own ground forces, air forces, and naval forces.

A period of four-year national service in a branch of their choosing is mandatory for all male Candanadian citizens. Male Candanadians must enlist between their 18th and 23rd birthdays, except for those who are physically or mentally handicapped, those whose religious views forbid them from enlisting, or those who have lost a parent or sibling in active conflict in the Forces. Caskhomirians and Belkhomirians are not exempt, although they must enlist with their respective regiments. Male Candanadians who have finished their national service are still considered part of the active reserve for eight years, and must retain their service weapons at their place of residence, along with 300 rounds of ammunition.

Female Candanadians, though not subject to national service, may also enlist voluntarily.

The CDF has a combined strength of around one million active duty personnel and two million reserve personnel. The standard issue rifle of the CDF is the Candarms C70A1 select-fire rifle.


Candanadium enjoys free-market capitalism with minimal government intervention, and is rich in iron ore, nickel, zinc, copper, gold, lead, molybdenum, potash, diamonds, silver, fish, timber, wildlife, coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Candanadium exports crude and refined oil, timber, jewellery and other luxury goods, agricultural products, dairy, wood products, and maple syrup to the world, but relies on foreign goods such as consumer products, manufactured goods, tropical fruits, electronics, vehicles, and clothing as well.

Having industrialized in the late 19th century, Candanadium's domestic manufacturing sector is stable and decently sized, but companies often outsource due to high costs of labour in the country. Candanadium is virtually the sole producer of maple syrup in the whole world, as it was invented by the Oseanians inhabiting the region and adopted by the Kanadiaans. Candanadium has a large merchant navy, and Candanadian ships can often be spotted in the major ports of the world.


Every November 11 in Candanadium is Candanadium Day, which usually involves parades, fireworks, and other celebrations of patriotism. The Fall Festival (Kanadiaans: Herbstfest) is celebrated on the last Wednesday of September each year, the most significant Kanadiaans religious holiday. Religious families usually spend the day at Church, whereas the younger generation tend to exchange gifts, usually edible items, but always three in number, as three is the number of Eostre and three ships carried the first Kanadiaans to the shores of Candanadium. Candanadian law mandates that businesses must allocate at minimum a week’s vacation for employees around the time of the Fall Festival.

Candanadium is renowned internationally for its roasted dark lager, or Dunklebier. Kwass, a sweet drink made of fermented rye bread, is a popular non-alcoholic drink, though it contains trace amounts of alcohol. Traditional Kanadiaans cooking is mainly comprised of red meats and root vegetables, such as potatoes and carrots, however, Oseanian and Akarean influences are present in modern Candanadian cuisine, like the use of rice, flatbreads, and other sources of carbohydrates. Moose schnitzel is a unique Candanadian dish, mixing a Kanadiaans recipe with a traditional meat of the Oseanians, usually served with thick-cut fries, lemon juice, and mustard mayonnaise. Rice, not native to Great Kaltachia, has become a staple food after the Akareans introduced it to the continent in the 17th century. However, many Candanadian variations of the dish exist, including rice steamed with garlic and beef, commonly called Steigerreis, as it was popular among mine workers in Eisenstaat. Rice flavoured with butter, parsley, and steamed with chicken is popular in Oseania, where it is called spring rice. Coarse, brown rice is more common and popular than white rice in Candanadium, due to its texture and price, and is often eaten as a side with meat and vegetables. Flatbreads are also popular, as due to the cold weather, it is easier and quicker to bake bread without letting it rise first. Candanadian flatbread is doughy and can be stuffed with meat, salad, and sauces to create quick sandwiches, which can be found from Belkhomir to the Westland. Black bread, especially rye bread, is also popular and can be eaten alone or with butter, fruit preserves, cream cheese, or pickled vegetables. Pickled cabbage, or Sauerkraut, is also a very popular side dish, and can be eaten alone or as a condiment, akin to relish. Sausages and ham are also found throughout the country, with each region having its own variations. Some popular variations include boerewors, or farmers' sausage, in Caskhomir, Brühwurst, or boiled sausage, in Eisenstaat, and black sausage (made with liver and black pudding), in Oseania. Cheeses are often eaten alongside sausages and are usually soft, but hard cheeses exist for grating and use in sauces.

Modern-day Candanadian cooking focuses on texture and flavour more than presentation, with spices such as stars anise, bay leaves, dill, and parsley often being used. Rice and breads are Candanadian staple foods, with black bread and rye bread being the most popular. Moose lard is sometimes used in casual diners in lieu of cooking oil, giving foods a more gamey, creamy texture. Regular alcohol consumption is not viewed as taboo, and most Candanadians will often enjoy some Dunklebier with a meal. Maple mead is commonly drunk in bars as a stronger and sweeter alternative to beer.

Tea is also a popular favourite, enjoyed hot in the winter and cold in the summer. Maple syrup is often added to tea instead of other sweeteners such as honey or sugar. Polls indicate that Harschburg Tea is the nation's favourite brand, known for its high caffeine content and strong flavour. Adding milk to tea is not socially acceptable in Candanadium, and most will view it as a waste of good tea. Coffee, although known, is only found in large cities and highly expensive since it cannot be produced domestically. It is, however, marginally more popular in Caskhomir, where a budding coffee growing industry has been developing.

The emblem of the Candanadian national rugby union team, the Maples. The most popular sports in Candanadium are rugby union and ice hockey, which also happen to be the nation's official summer and winter sports, respectively. Southern regions, such as Caskhomir, Westland, the CCR, and southern Fischerstaat, have been known to produce many famous Candanadian rugby players, with the sport being invented in the 17th century in Caskhomir, whereas hockey is the more dominant sport in the Northern Cape, Eisenstaat, and Oseania. This may be due to the fact that the game of ice hockey was invented by the Cape Natives. The Candanadian national rugby union team, nicknamed the Maples, are recognized as one of the best international test sides in rugby, and is consistently ranked among the top national teams by the International Rugby Federation (IRF). The Iron Cup is the highest tier of club rugby in the nation, currently held by the Caskhomir Kudus, who have won the trophy five times in the past. In contrast, the Cape Cup is the highest tier of club hockey in the nation, with the title currently held by the Northern Cape Penguins.

Belkhomirian rules football, also known as Belkhi rules or footy is a popular game in Belkhomir. It is played on an oval field with a rugby ball. The game of Edofasian football is very similar to Belkhi rules, and a friendly exhibition match between Belkhomir and Edofasia is held every two years, with rules that are a compromise between the two sports.

Minor sports in the country include the Trefjalli association football in Trefjalli regions and throughout the south and baseball in Akarean neighbourhoods, particularly Harschburg, and throughout the south.

The currency of Candanadium, the thaler, is unique in the sense that it is not in decimal form, which is a great source of confusion for visitors and considered by some as a source of national pride. One thaler is divided into 4 kreuzen, which is then divided into 240 pfennig, or pennies. 60 pfennig make up 1 kreuze, and prices are often written in the form of $Thalers/Kreuzen/Pfennig. For example, if something costs 2 kreuzen and 80 pfennig, it would be written $0/2/80. In Kanadiaans-speaking regions, prices may also be written out in full, so the same price would be written 2 Kreuzen und 80 Pfennig. Note: the Kanadiaans plural of the word Thaler is Thaler. The plural of kreuze is kreuzen in both official languages, though the K is capitalized like all nouns in Kanadiaans. The pfennig is also the plural in both official languages, though it can also be referred to as penny/pennies in Oseanian speaking regions.

Candanadians value personal liberty, diligence, and resilience, though they are also accepting of differing points of view. Candanadians are generally a reserved, polite people, but will not hesitate to help out their fellow man in need. Candanadians view it as their duty to provide for and protect their friends and family, a holdover of the traditional values of the Kanadiaans.